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For those unfamiliar with " L'arche Day Break", are an established, world wide, non profit orginization commited to providing care and a complete family / social enviroment for the developmentally handicapped. Their Motto, "Change the world One Heart at a time", underscores their accomplishments in establishing communaties of group homes throughout the world and the unselfish work that they do to make the lives of their clients and residents as full and complete as possible.


In keeping with our commitment to help and assit developmentally handicapped wherever possible, we decided in early 2001 that we would invite the Richmond Hill Daybreak Communaty and their famalies to share an afternoon with us complete with bike rides, events,prizes and Barbecue. As a result our first Daybreak Day was held in June 2001 at the Brothers Of The Blade, M.C. property and was sponsored by W.I.S.H.


To say the event was a complete success would be to understate the fun and good times that everyone in attendance enjoyed. That afternoon can be summed up in a comment made to one of our memebers by one of the daybreak staff in attendance ......

" I've lived and worked with a lot of clients that are here for quite a few years and there are some that I've never seen smile until today" .......


Just like our Manitoulin event has become very special to many people  and so has this one day spent with Daybreak. 2015 will have  marked  15 years holding this great event and we are not stopping here.

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