Early in 2004 our Brothers from Muskoka decided that they would host a summer Poker Run to extend our communatiy and charitable work into the Muskoka area. 2004 marked our first anuual Muskoka Poker run known as the "BUG BASH" . The run itself , which included 50 -60 bikes, cruised the quiet back roads of the bautiful Muskoka country side, around numerous lakes and including the requisite breaks for refreshments. Then back to the run site for an afternoon and evening of your basic biker socializing.
The event entertainment included a barn dance with a great band and lots of food. Plenty of room was available for camping and the majority of people stayed for the duration.
The Muskoka Brothers proved to be great hosts and the succes of the event is a testimony to their hard work and dedication. This will be an annual event that everyone will look forward to.