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Almost Heaven, West Virgina ......... One of webster's definitions for the brotherhood is "a group bound together, such as by tribe or country",

however - respect, loyalty, tradition and true brotherhood do not recognize borders. For well over two  decades  we have had the pleasure and priviege of spending time with the Brother Of The Wheel MC, in West Virginia.


West Virginia is one of the most scenic States in the Union. The roads are ultra smooth and wind and twist through the Mountains and Valleys. Our ride down usually takes us through Ohio Vally and at the end of every days ride there always seems to be a suitable watering hole to relax and quench your thirst. This is coal country and the people are as down to earth as their profession.


The South Central BOTW MC Annual Poker Run is held each year in Boone County, West "BY God" Virginia. The party is an all day and night affair. With  Brothers from all over the states and Ontario  and parts unknown riding in  to attend this event. They start to arrive early on the Saturday giving everyone a chance to get reacquainted with old friends and meet new ones.


In early afternoon a short run is held which winds its way from the party grounds along some scenic roads and through the Town of Maddison. The town's folk look forward to this event each year and line the streets waving at the passing parade. What could be more leg tingling than watching several hundred Harleys roll past your front door in tight disciplined formation.


After that the field events start to happen, followed by  a great band and of course, the manditory Wet T - Shirt Contest ( minus the T-shirt ). Throughout the day great food is provided courtesy of a 600 pound hog, Which is roasted up for the occasion. Of course, lot of cold beer and chilled Boone Wine is on hand to wash it all down.


In addition to our anuall  west Virgin run we also attend many of the other Brothers of the wheel M.C. chapter events spread throughout the summer spending time with our southern brothers.

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